

WebP: The WebPage compression format

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I want to provide a smooth experience to my site visitors, so I work on accessibility and ensure it works without JavaScript enabled. I care about page load time because some pages contain large illustrations, so I minify my HTML.

But one thing makes turning my blog light as a feather a pain in the ass.

The hurdleSee, a major win in traffic reduction (and thus latency savings on mobile!) comes not from minification but from compression. HTTP supports gzip and Brotli via the Content-Encoding header. This is opt-in because compression takes resources, so transferring uncompressed data might be faster.

Typically, Brotli is better than gzip, and gzip is better than nothing. gzip is so cheap everyone enables it by default, but Brotli is way slower.

Annoyingly, I host my blog on GitHub pages, which doesn’t support Brotli. So Recovering garbled Bitcoin addresses, the longest post on my site, takes 92 KiB instead of 37 KiB. This amounts to an unnecessary 2.5x increase in load time.

A naive ideaThere’s no reason why GitHub can’t support Brotli. Even if compressing files in-flight is slow, GitHub could still allow repo owners to upload pre-compressed data and use that.

GitHub doesn’t do that for us, but we can still take advantage of precompressed data. We’ll just have to manually decompress it in JavaScript on the client side.

Like a good developer, the first thing I do upon finding a problem is search for a solution on Google. brotli-dec-wasm turned up after a quick search, providing a 200 KB Brotli decompressor in WASM. tiny-brotli-dec-wasm is even smaller, at 71 KiB.

Alright, so we’re dealing with 92 KiB for gzip vs 37 + 71 KiB for Brotli. Umm…

Fool me twiceWhy would I need WASM in the first place? My browser certainly has a Brotli decoder in its HTTP stack. Does it have an API or something?

Actually, it does! Compression Streams API provides exactly that. For example, the constructor of DecompressionStream takes the format argument, documented as:

One of the following compression formats:

  • "gzip"

    Decompress the stream using the GZIP format.

  • "deflate"

    Decompress the stream using the DEFLATE algorithm in ZLIB Compressed Data Format. The ZLIB format includes a header with information about the compression method and the uncompressed size of the data, and a trailing checksum for verifying the integrity of the data

  • "deflate-raw"

    Decompress the stream using the DEFLATE algorithm without a header and trailing checksum.

Wait, where’s Brotli? Oh, it just doesn’t exist for… reasons. This might hopefully change soon, but that’s not where we are presently, and you know how slowly these things progress.

I also briefly contemplated using gzip anyway, but precompressing gzip with a more efficient library – Zopfli – only produces an 86 KiB file, still significantly worse than Brotli.

Breaking lawsI was about to give up, but then I remembered a neat technique from demoscene.

Browsers can decode images. So we can encode data in pictures and decode it via Canvas API, and if the image compression is lossless and efficient enough, it’ll be a net win.

I hope you see where I’m going with this and are yelling “Oh why the fuck” right now.

The simplest compressed lossless image format is GIF. GIF flattens the image in row-major order and applies LZW, a very dated (1984) compression scheme. The DEFLATE method gzip uses was designed to replace LZW, hence we won’t score a win here.

PNG also uses DEFLATE, but vitally, it passes image data through another transform beforehand. Instead of compressing the raw pixel data, DEFLATE is applied to the difference between neighboring pixels, e.g. to [a, b-a, c-b, d-c] instead of [a, b, c, d]. (Other, slightly more complicated transforms are also possible.) In effect, this makes PNG a predictive format: instead of storing raw data, the difference from the prediction (“error”) is stored, which is small in most cases (yay, probability asymmetry, Huffman likes that).

Oh God noBut the real winner here is WebP, the format half the lunatics believe is the creation of the devil, and the other half sees as a treasure. WebP has two variants: lossy and lossless, using completely different approaches. We’re talking about VP8L the lossless format here.

VP8L is similar to PNG. It too uses a predictive transform, slightly more complicated than PNG’s, but the better part is that Google replaced DEFLATE with a hand-rolled DEFLATE-like method.

DEFLATE enables you to split the file into pieces and use a custom Huffman tree for each piece. This is reasonable: realistic data is not uniform, so different parts have different character and backreference probability distributions. For example, JavaScript, SVG, and markup will probably use different trees when embedded into one HTML file.

VP8L supports this too, but with a twist. A WebP file can define an arbitrarily large table of distinct Huffman trees and use different trees for each 16x16 pixel block. Crucially, this enables tree reuse. In DEFLATE, JavaScript followed by CSS, followed by JavaScript would encode three trees despite the 1st and the 3rd being quite similar, but VP8L would need just two trees. In addition, this enables more locality because trees are cheaper to switch often.

More tweaksAnother cool thing VP8L has is the color cache. Here’s a neat demonstration of a similar technique.

Suppose you’re writing a stupid JSON compressor. You might want to encode marker characters like ", [, ], { and } efficiently. It turns out that sometimes, just saying “this character is a marker” is enough to infer the exact value. For example, in "s<MARKER>, the marker is clearly ", and in [1, 2, 3<MARKER> it’s clearly ].

The idea here is similar. Sometimes, instead of storing the exact pixel, it suffices to store an indication that we want a copy of the most recent pixel with a certain property (e.g. a 6-bit hash).

Trying it outI’ll use the Recovering garbled Bitcoin addresses post as a benchmark for now.

$ curl -o test.html

$ wc -c test.html
439478 test.html

$ gzip --best <test.html | wc -c

Good. Let’s use the webp crate for a quick compression test.

$ cargo add webp
fn main() {
    let binary_data = include_bytes!("../test.html");

    // Umm... 1xN?
    let width = binary_data.len() as u32;
    let height = 1;

    // Convert to grayscale RGB
    let mut image_data: Vec<u8> = binary_data.iter().flat_map(|&b| [b, b, b]).collect();

    // Lossless, quality 100 (translates to best compression)
    let compressed = webp::Encoder::from_rgb(&image_data, width, height)
        .encode_simple(true, 100.0)
        .expect("encoding failed");

    println!("Data length: {}", compressed.len());
    std::fs::write("compressed.webp", compressed.as_ref()).expect("failed to write");

Why grayscale? WebP supports a “subtract green” transform, where before bitmap encoding, the G channel is subtracted from both the R and B channels. For grayscale pictures, this effectively zeroes them out. WebP encodes the three channels with separate Huffman trees and thus stores fixed-value channels in O(1) space.

$ cargo run
thread 'main' panicked at src/
encoding failed: VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Umm, apparently WebP only supports pictures up to 16383x16383. We can do that.

fn main() {
    let binary_data = include_bytes!("../test.html");

    // Umm... 16383xN?
    let width = 16383;
    let height = (binary_data.len() as u32).div_ceil(width);

    // Convert to grayscale RGB, padding the image to width * height
    let mut image_data: Vec<u8> = binary_data.iter().flat_map(|&b| [b, b, b]).collect();
    image_data.resize((width * height * 3) as usize, 0);

    // Lossless, quality 100 (translates to best compression)
    let compressed = webp::Encoder::from_rgb(&image_data, width, height)
        .encode_simple(true, 100.0)
        .expect("encoding failed");

    println!("Data length: {}", compressed.len());
    std::fs::write("compressed.webp", &*compressed).expect("failed to write");
$ cargo run
Data length: 45604

That’s a good start. It’s already 2x smaller than gzip. It’s even smaller than bzip2 at 49764 bytes!

ShenanigansWe can, however, do better by applying WebP-specific tricks.

For one thing, using a wide image with a row-major order means that 16x16 blocks contain bytes from far away (the first 16 consecutive pixels are from the first 16 KiB of input, and the next ones are from the following 16 KiB of input). Let’s use a tall image instead.

// Umm... Nx16383?
let height = 16383;
let width = (binary_data.len() as u32).div_ceil(height);
println!("Using {width}x{height}");
$ cargo run
Using 27x16383
Data length: 43232

The cwebp library provides a way to affect compression performance other than quality, called “method”. Let’s try it out.

// Lossless, quality 100
let mut config = webp::WebPConfig::new().unwrap();
config.lossless = 1;
config.quality = 100.0;

for method in 0..=6 {
    // Try different methods (4 is the default one)
    config.method = method;
    let compressed = webp::Encoder::from_rgb(&image_data, width, height)
        .expect("encoding failed");

    println!("Method {method}, data length: {}", compressed.len());
$ cargo run
Method 0, data length: 48902
Method 1, data length: 43546
Method 2, data length: 43442
Method 3, data length: 43292
Method 4, data length: 43232
Method 5, data length: 43182
Method 6, data length: 43182

Let’s settle for 5, it seems to be as good as 6 but faster.

We’re 2.2x better than gzip and 1.2x worse than Brotli – quite an achievement under our conditions.

BenchmarkJust for fun, let’s compare the formats on different files. I’m going to use snappy’s testdata, the Canterbury Corpus and the Large Corpus, and two large SVG files.

I’ll start by rewriting the script to be usable in a pipe:

use std::io::{Read, Write};

fn main() {
    let mut binary_data = Vec::new();
    std::io::stdin().read_to_end(&mut binary_data).expect("failed to read stdin");

    let width = (binary_data.len() as u32).div_ceil(16383);
    let height = (binary_data.len() as u32).div_ceil(width);

    // Convert to grayscale RGB, padding the image to width * height
    let mut image_data: Vec<u8> = binary_data.iter().flat_map(|&b| [b, b, b]).collect();
    image_data.resize((width * height * 3) as usize, 0);

    // Lossless, quality 100, method 5
    let mut config = webp::WebPConfig::new().unwrap();
    config.lossless = 1;
    config.quality = 100.0;
    config.method = 5;
    let compressed = webp::Encoder::from_rgb(&image_data, width, height)
        .expect("encoding failed");

    std::io::stdout().write_all(&compressed).expect("failed to write to stdout");

(I also slightly changed the dimension computation to suit data of different sizes.)

And then I’ll compare gzip, bzip2, brotli, and webp on the corpus:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd corpus

printf "%24s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s\n" File Raw gzip brotli bzip2 webp
for file in *; do
    printf \
        "%24s%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d\n" \
        "$file" \
        $(<"$file" wc -c) \
        $(gzip --best <"$file" | wc -c) \
        $(brotli --best <"$file" | wc -c) \
        $(bzip2 --best <"$file" | wc -c) \
        $(../compressor/target/release/compressor <"$file" | wc -c)

Let’s analyze this in a more intuitive way.

Compression rate diagram

To start with, WebP is almost always better than gzip, except on tiny files (grammar.lsp and xargs.1) and these:


paper-100k.pdf is noise (the file contains 19 KB of XML followed by compressed data, so we’re effectively measuring small data at this point).

I’m not sure what the deal with kennedy.xls is. The results are also strange because of the relative Brotli/bzip2 performance. I believe that the reason is that this file contains a lot of heterogeneous closely located data, which is notably difficult for compressors to handle.

WebP fares slightly worse than bzip2, overtaking it in some cases and losing in plenty of others. This is hardly surprising, as the two use significantly different algorithms, so they score differently on disparate data.

Unsurprisingly, WebP is always worse than Brotli (except fireworks.jpeg, a uniformly random blob, so it’s up to noise). Still, it provides a measurable improvement over gzip on large plain-text data, including the SVGs and, most notably, html_x_4, where it provides a 3.3% compression rate, worse than Brotli’s 2.8% but significantly better than gzip’s 13%.

On the whole, WebP seems to be quite a good candidate for Web.

JavaScriptWith that said, let’s return to quote-unquote practical applications.

Decoding the WebP is quite simple via the Canvas API:

<script type="module">
// Fetch WebP blob
const result = await fetch("compressor/compressed.webp");
const blob = await result.blob();

// Decode to RGBA
const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(blob);
const context = new OffscreenCanvas(bitmap.width, bitmap.height).getContext("2d");
context.drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
const pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height).data;

// The R channel is the raw HTML bytes
const bytes = new Uint8Array(bitmap.width * bitmap.height);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    bytes[i] = pixels[i * 4];

// Decode UTF-8
const html = new TextDecoder().decode(bytes);

document.documentElement.innerHTML = html;

…except it’s not. See, the Canvas API is widely used for fingerprinting, so browsers mess up with you by adding noise to the data returned by getImageData.

These modifications are slight. Visit this link in Firefox with strict tracking protection enabled and see that fewer than 1% of pixels are affected. In effect, this introduces typos to the HTML, which I initially thought to be genuine.

I loathe this privacy protection technique. Not only does it break real use cases for no reason (WebP decoding can’t be device-dependent), but it is also useless because adding predictable (!) noise increases uniqueness instead of decreasing it.

It is also unclear to me why using WebGL instead of the 2D context works:

const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(blob);
const context = new OffscreenCanvas(bitmap.width, bitmap.height).getContext("webgl");
const texture = context.createTexture();
context.bindTexture(context.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
context.texImage2D(context.TEXTURE_2D, 0, context.RGBA, context.RGBA, context.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap);
context.bindFramebuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.createFramebuffer());
context.framebufferTexture2D(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, context.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
const pixels = new Uint8Array(bitmap.width * bitmap.height * 4);
context.readPixels(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, context.RGBA, context.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
// Look ma! No noise!

Why readPixels is not subject to anti-fingerprinting is beyond me. It does not sprinkle hardly visible typos all over the page, so that works for me.

WebGL only reliably supports textures up to 2048x2048, so some bounds need to be updated.

This code minifies to about 550 bytes. Together with the WebP itself, this amounts to 44 KiB. In comparison, gzip was 92 KiB, and Brotli would be 37 KiB.

PolishingOne thing I hate about this solution is the goddamn flicker.

As await is implicitly rewritten to use promises, the browser believes that the script has finished execution before the WebP is downloaded. There is nothing in the DOM yet, so the browser shows an empty white page.

A hundred milliseconds later, with the WebP loaded and decoded, the HTML parsed, CSS downloaded, and styles computed, is the DOM rendered to the screen, replacing the nothingness.

A simple way to fix this is to keep the styling and the top of the page (about 8 KiB uncompressed) in the gzipped HTML and only compress the content below the viewport with WebP. It’s still going to feel junky when refreshing the page below the viewport, but it’s still manageable.

Another nuisance is scroll behavior. Scroll position is typically preserved upon refresh, but when you’re at Y = 5000px, you refresh, and the page is 0px tall, the position resets. Temporarily adding a really huge <div> helps with this. In addition, assigning to document.documentElement.innerHTML instead of calling document.write is necessary because that updates the current document instead of replacing it with a new one.

EmbeddingFinally, let’s decrease the latency a tiny bit more by embedding the WebP directly into JavaScript.

The simplest way to do that is to use a base64 data URL. Oh, but wouldn’t it increase the blob size 1.33x? Sure, but gzip offsets this effect almost entirely:

$ wc -c compressed.webp 
43182 compressed.webp

$ base64 -w0 compressed.webp | wc -c

$ base64 -w0 compressed.webp | gzip --best | wc -c

Why? Well, WebP, being a compressed blob, is almost uniformly random, a property retained after base64, the 8-bit-to-6-bit transform. The Huffman tree generated by gzip, applied to uniformly random data, effectively provides an inverse 6-bit-to-8-bit transform.

We could use Unicode and UTF-16, but sometimes the first solution is the right one.

ExampleA real-world web page compressed with WebP? Oh, how about the one you’re reading right now? Unless you use an old browser or have JavaScript turned off, WebP compresses this page starting from the “Fool me twice” section. If you haven’t noticed this, I’m happy the trick is working :-)

Oh, and if you want to know what the WebP looks like? Here is a square WebP of this page:

This page in WebP format

The WebP used in code is tall and narrow, but this gives a better view.

The bright part on the very top and the very bottom is text and code. The hatched one at about 1/5 is the diagram. The dark part, taking most of the page, is the text on the diagram. (Yes, it doesn’t use a font.)

The few brightest pixels throughout the text? Those are Unicode characters, mostly punctuation like the apostrophe and the ellipsis.

The actual savings here are moderate: the original is 88 KiB with gzip, and the WebP one is 83 KiB with gzip. In contrast, Brotli would provide 69 KiB. Better than nothing, though.

Also, hey, it’s fun. I like having fun.

LinksRust code, the corpus, and various other files are available on GitHub. Join the discussion on Reddit or on Hacker News if you feel like it.