

Thoughts on Rust hashing

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In languages like Python, Java, or C++, values are hashed by calling a “hash me” method on them, implemented by the type author. This fixed-hash size is then immediately used by the hash table or what have you. This design suffers from some obvious problems, like:

How do you hash an integer? If you use a no-op hasher (booo), DoS attacks on hash tables are inevitable. If you hash it thoroughly, consumers that only cache hashes to optimize equality checks lose out of performance.

How do you mix hashes? You can:

What if the input data is already random? Then you’re just wasting cycles.

What guarantees do you provide regarding the hash values?

Is your hash function seeded?

In RustRust learnt from these mistakes by splitting the responsibilities:

Objects turn the structured data into a stream of integers; hashers turn the stream into a numeric hash.

On paper, this is a good solution:

Surely this enables optimal and performant hashing in practice, right?

NoLet’s take a look at the Hasher API:

pub trait Hasher {
    // Required methods
    fn finish(&self) -> u64;
    fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]);

    // Provided methods
    fn write_u8(&mut self, i: u8) { ... }
    fn write_u16(&mut self, i: u16) { ... }
    fn write_u32(&mut self, i: u32) { ... }
    fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) { ... }
    fn write_u128(&mut self, i: u128) { ... }
    fn write_usize(&mut self, i: usize) { ... }
    fn write_i8(&mut self, i: i8) { ... }
    fn write_i16(&mut self, i: i16) { ... }
    fn write_i32(&mut self, i: i32) { ... }
    fn write_i64(&mut self, i: i64) { ... }
    fn write_i128(&mut self, i: i128) { ... }
    fn write_isize(&mut self, i: isize) { ... }
    fn write_length_prefix(&mut self, len: usize) { ... }
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) { ... }

This API is tuned to streaming hashes, like the polynomial hash and its various knock-offs. But just like in encryption, hashing is block-wise these days.

Block hashes have some internal state that iteratively “absorbs” input blocks of a fixed length. When the data runs out, the last block is padded with length and absorbed as a fixed-length block too. A finalization step then reduces the internal state to 64 bits (or more, depending on the use case).

That’s how SHA-2 and many other cryptographic hashes work, but you might be surprised to know that the top hashes in the SMHasher list all use the same approach.

The block-wise design is objectively superior to streaming. Consuming as much data as possible at once reduces the amortized avalanche cost, enabling safer hash functions at greater speed than streaming hashes can achieve. Block-wise hashes have a lower latency, as the latency is accumulated per-block, not per-stream-input.

Block hash support in Rust

:ferrisClueless:The Hasher API makes no effort to suit block hashes. The hasher is not informed of the length of the data or of its structure. It must always be able to absorb just one more u8, bro, I promise. There’s only two ways to deal with this:

Let’s see what’s wrong with these approaches.

PaddingLet’s consider a very simple block-wise hash:

fn absorb(state: &mut u64, block: &[u8; 8]) {
    let block = u64::from_ne_bytes(*block);
    *state = state.wrapping_mul(K).wrapping_add(block);

This is just a multiplicative hash, not unlike FNV-1, but consuming 8 bytes at a time instead of 1.

Now what happens if you try to hash two 32-bit integers with this hash? With padding, that will compile to two multiplications even though one would work. This halves throughput and increases latency.

Practical hashes use much larger blocks. rapidhash has a 24-byte state and can absorb 48 bytes at once. ahash has a 48-byte state and absorbs 64-byte blocks. meowhash has a 128-byte state and absorbs 256 bytes. (I only selected these particular hashes because I’m familiar with their kernels; others have similar designs.)

These are some of the fastest non-cryptographic hashes in the world. Do you really want to nuke their performance by padding 8-byte inputs to 48, 64, or 256 bytes? Probably not.

ChainsOkay, but what if we cheated and modified the hash functions to absorb small data somewhat more efficiently than by absorbing a full block?

Say, the rapidhash kernel is effectively this:

fn absorb(state: &mut [u64; 3], seed: &[u64; 3], block: &[u64; 6]) {
    for i in 0..3 {
        state[i] = mix(block[i] ^ state[i], block[i + 3] ^ seed[i]);

That’s three independent iterations, so surely we can absorb a smaller 64-bit block like this instead:

fn absorb_64bit(state: &mut [u64; 3], seed: &[u64; 3], block: u64) {
    state[0] = mix(block ^ state[0], seed[0]);

Surely this is going to reduce the 6× slowdown to at least something like 2×, right?

Why does rapidhash even use three independent chains in the first place? That’s right, latency!

mix has a 5 tick latency on modern x86 processors, but a throughput of 1. Chain independence allows a 16-byte block to be consumed without waiting for the previous 16 bytes to be mixed in. We just threw this optimization out.

AccumulationOkay, so padding is a terrible idea. Can we accumulate a buffer instead? How much hashes I had to scroll through in SMHasher before I found one Rust implementation that took this approach is a warning bell.

The implementation I found, of course, stores a Vec<u8> and passes it to the underlying hasher in finish. I believe I don’t need to explain why allocating in a hash function is not the brightest idea.

Let’s consider another implementation that stores a fixed-size buffer instead. Huh, that’s a lot of ifs and fors. I wonder what Godbolt will say about this. Let’s try something very simple:

struct StreamingHasher { block_hasher: BlockHasher, buffer: [u8; 8], length: usize, } impl StreamingHasher { fn write(&mut self, input: &[u8]) { // If the input fits in the free space in the buffer, just copy it. let rest = unsafe { self.buffer.get_unchecked_mut(self.length..) }; if input.len() < rest.len() { rest[..input.len()].copy_from_slice(input); self.length += input.len(); return; } // Otherwise, copy whatever fits and hash the chunk. let (head, tail) = input.split_at(rest.len()); rest.copy_from_slice(head); self.block_hasher.feed(self.buffer); // Split the rest of the input into blocks and hash them individually, move the last one // to the buffer. let chunks = tail.array_chunks(); let remainder = chunks.remainder(); self.buffer[..remainder.len()].copy_from_slice(remainder); self.length = remainder.len(); for chunk in chunks { self.block_hasher.feed(*chunk); } } }

Surely this will compile to good code? :ferrisClueless:

Here’s what writing 1 (one) byte into this hasher compiles to:

write_u8: push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx sub rsp, 16 mov rbx, rdi mov byte ptr [rsp + 15], sil mov r14, qword ptr [rdi + 16] add rdi, r14 add rdi, 8 cmp r14, 6 ja .LBB0_2 mov byte ptr [rdi], sil mov r14, qword ptr [rbx + 16] inc r14 jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: lea r15, [rbx + 8] mov edx, 8 sub rdx, r14 lea r12, [rsp + rdx] add r12, 15 add r14, -7 lea rsi, [rsp + 15] mov r13, qword ptr [rip + memcpy@GOTPCREL] call r13 movabs rax, 5512829513697402577 imul rax, qword ptr [rbx] add rax, qword ptr [rbx + 8] mov qword ptr [rbx], rax mov rsi, r14 and rsi, -8 add rsi, r12 mov rdi, r15 mov rdx, r14 call r13 .LBB0_3: mov qword ptr [rbx + 16], r14 add rsp, 16 pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 ret

Waow, what happened? That’s right, copy_from_slice did! LLVM cannot compile a variable-length copy into anything other than memcpy. Did you write a loop with a guaranteed bound on the iteration count by hand? Too bad, that goes in the memcpy hole.

SipHasherSo crates in the wild do this wrong. How does the built-in Rust hasher handle this? It conveniently doesn’t define write_* – by design, because this important optimization leads to a small increase in compile time. Riiiiiight.

The siphasher crate, though, optimizes the short-length memcpy with bitwise operations. Let’s try it out:

fn write(&mut self, input: u64, input_len: usize) { assert!(input_len <= 8); if input_len != 8 { assert!(input >> (8 * input_len) == 0); } // Consume as many inputs as fit. let old_length = self.length; self.buffer |= input << (8 * self.length); self.length += input_len; // On overflow, feed the buffer block hasher and initialize the buffer with the tail. if self.length > 8 { self.block_hasher.feed(self.buffer); self.buffer = input >> (8 * (8 - old_length)); self.length -= 8; } }
write_u8: mov rax, qword ptr [rdi + 16] movzx ecx, sil lea edx, [8*rax] lea rsi, [rax + 1] shlx rdx, rcx, rdx or rdx, qword ptr [rdi + 8] mov qword ptr [rdi + 8], rdx mov qword ptr [rdi + 16], rsi cmp rsi, 9 jb .LBB0_2 movabs rsi, 5512829513697402577 imul rsi, qword ptr [rdi] add rsi, rdx mov edx, eax add rax, -7 neg dl mov qword ptr [rdi], rsi shl dl, 3 shrx rcx, rcx, rdx mov qword ptr [rdi + 8], rcx mov qword ptr [rdi + 16], rax .LBB0_2: ret

This is kind of better? Now let’s try hashing (u8, u8) like Rust would do:

fn write_u8_pair(&mut self, pair: (u8, u8)) {
write_u8_pair: mov r8, qword ptr [rdi + 16] movzx r9d, sil movabs rax, 5512829513697402577 lea ecx, [8*r8] shlx rsi, r9, rcx or rsi, qword ptr [rdi + 8] lea rcx, [r8 + 1] cmp rcx, 9 jb .LBB1_2 mov rcx, qword ptr [rdi] imul rcx, rax add rcx, rsi mov qword ptr [rdi], rcx mov ecx, r8d add r8, -7 neg cl shl cl, 3 shrx rsi, r9, rcx mov rcx, r8 .LBB1_2: lea r8d, [8*rcx] movzx edx, dl shlx r8, rdx, r8 or r8, rsi lea rsi, [rcx + 1] mov qword ptr [rdi + 8], r8 mov qword ptr [rdi + 16], rsi cmp rcx, 8 jb .LBB1_4 imul rax, qword ptr [rdi] add rax, r8 mov qword ptr [rdi], rax mov eax, ecx add rcx, -7 neg al shl al, 3 shrx rax, rdx, rax mov qword ptr [rdi + 8], rax mov qword ptr [rdi + 16], rcx .LBB1_4: ret

Waow. So elegant. What went wrong?

In retrospect, the reason is obvious. The two writes can “tear” if the first write fills the buffer to the end. The optimizer does not realize the writes can be combined, so we’re left with this monstrosity.

More generally, the problem is that write_* methods cannot predict the current state of the buffer, so the branches and variable-index accesses cannot be optimized out. And if writes forced the state to a fixed one? Well, that’s equivalent to padding the data to a full block. Eugh.

InliningOkay, but hear me out, surely the state can be predicted if the hash and write_* calls are inlined? Here:

fn hash_u8_pair(pair: (u8, u8)) -> u64 {
    let mut hasher = Self::new();
        movzx   eax, sil
        movzx   ecx, dil
        shl     eax, 8
        or      eax, ecx

That’s a nice argument, but let me introduce to you: variable-length collections. Vec<T> is hashed by writing the length and then hashing the elements one by one. Even if the element hashing is somehow vectorized (it’s not, LLVM is a dumdum), nothing after this variable-length collection can be hashed efficiently.

stdSurely someone thought of this problem before? C’mere, take a look at how slices of integers are hashed:

fn hash_slice<H: Hasher>(data: &[$ty], state: &mut H) {
    let newlen = mem::size_of_val(data);
    let ptr = data.as_ptr() as *const u8;
    // SAFETY: `ptr` is valid and aligned, as this macro is only used
    // for numeric primitives which have no padding. The new slice only
    // spans across `data` and is never mutated, and its total size is the
    // same as the original `data` so it can't be over `isize::MAX`.
    state.write(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, newlen) })

So that’s good.

Meanwhile newtypes are crying in the corner, as #[derive(Hash)] understandably does not apply this optimization to them (nor to structs with multiple fields and tuples), the built-in hasher uses 2.5× worse code than it could even today, which also takes way more space in your instruction cache than necessary.

It can’t be that bad

It canShall we benchmark some code?

use std::any::type_name;
use std::hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher};
use std::time::Instant;

fn time<T: Hash>(obj: T) {
    let start = Instant::now();
    let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
    obj.hash(&mut hasher);
    let h = hasher.finish();
    println!("{}: {:?} (-> {h:0x})", type_name::<T>(), start.elapsed());

struct NewType(i32);

fn main() {
    let n = 100000000;

Hashing [i32] transmutes the slice into [u8] and performs a single write call, while hashing [NewType] hashes the elements one by one. This benchmark thus measures the cost of individual calls. Note also that we hash almost 400 MiB of memory. This doesn’t fit in cache, which might hide some inefficiencies. I’m feeling generous.

alloc::vec::Vec<i32>: 117.756736ms (-> 1984796e743a33f5)
alloc::vec::Vec<ruined_portal::NewType>: 469.774204ms (-> 1984796e743a33f5)

Huh, literally 1984.

We get 5× slower code, even though it computes the exact same hash. Let’s try the siphasher crate:

alloc::vec::Vec<i32>: 196.330253ms (-> 95697c476562afec)
alloc::vec::Vec<ruined_portal::NewType>: 243.031408ms (-> 95697c476562afec)

That’s better, though admittedly a 25% difference is still eugh. But keep in mind that this is a cryptographic hash, which takes a lot of time to hash a block. This difference will be exacerbated on non-cryptographic hashes.


alloc::vec::Vec<i32>: 54.224434ms (-> 1908e25736ad8479)
alloc::vec::Vec<ruined_portal::NewType>: 278.101368ms (-> 949efa02155c336a)


alloc::vec::Vec<i32>: 56.262629ms (-> 217325aa736f75a8)
alloc::vec::Vec<ruined_portal::NewType>: 177.900032ms (-> 4ae6133ab0e0fe9f)


alloc::vec::Vec<i32>: 53.843217ms (-> f2e68b031ff10c02)
alloc::vec::Vec<ruined_portal::NewType>: 547.520541ms (-> f2e68b031ff10c02)

That’s not good. Note that all hashers have about the same performance on Vec<i32>. That’s about the speed of RAM. For small arrays that fits in cache, the difference is even more prominent. (I didn’t verify this, but I am the smartest person in the room and thus am obviously right.)

My goal

(Kinda)What I really want is a general-purpose hash that’s good for most practical purposes and kinda DoS-resistant but not necessarily cryptographic. It needs to perform fast on short inputs, so it can’t be a “real” block hash, but rather something close to rapidhash.

We want:


Right, Rust doesn’t support this. Okay, let’s try another relatively well-known scheme that might be easier to implement. It’s parallel, surely that’ll help?

To hash a 64-bit word sequence (x1,,x2n), we compute


where (a1,,a2n) is random data (possibly generated from the seed once), and


This is a UMAC-style combination of certain well-known primitives. The problem here is that ai needs to be precomputed beforehand. This is not a problem for fixed-length keys, like structs of integers – something often used in, say, rustc.

Unfortunately, Rust forces each hasher to handle all possible inputs, including of different lengths, so this scheme can’t work. The hasher isn’t even parametrized by the type of the hashed object. Four well-layouted 64-bit integers that can easily be mixed together with just two full-width multiplications? Nah, write_u64 goes brrrrrrrrrrrr-

Stop bitchingI’ve been designing fast hash-based data structures for several months before realizing they are, in fact, not fast, purely because of the hashing performance. Surely something that isn’t a problem in C++ and Python won’t be a problem in Rust, I thought.

But yeah, sorry for whining.

Actually howThe obvious way forward is to bring the structure of the data back into the picture. If the hasher knew it’s hashing fixed-size data, it could use the ai approach. If the hasher knew it’s hashing an array, it could vectorize the computation of individual hashes. If the hasher knew the types of the fields in the structure it’s hashing, it could prevent tearing, or perhaps merge small fields into 64-bit blocks efficiently. Alas, the hasher is clueless…

In my opinion, Hasher and Hash are a wrong abstraction. Instead of the Hash driving the Hasher insane, it should be the other way round: Hash providing introspection facilities and Hasher navigating the hashed objects recursively. As a bonus, this could enable (opt-in) portable hashers.

How this API should look like and whether it can be shoehorned into the existing interfaces remains to be seen. I have not started work on the design yet, and perhaps this article might be a bit premature, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on how I missed something really obvious (or, indeed, on how Rust is fast enough and no one cares).


Like C++I’d like to note that the way Java, C++, and Python take is not without its own share of problems. The good news is that fields in a product type are hashed the same way regardless of the values of other fields. For example, hashing (Vec<T>, U) always applies the same hash to U and the mixes it with the hash of Vec<T>, unlike Rust.

However, this approach is suboptimal in the general case. Let’s get back to the UMAC example. Hashing ((a,b),c) as mix(mix(a,b),c) has a higher latency than necessary: computing mix(a,b)⊕︎mix(c,0) would suffice. But, again, applying this rule generally as mix(a,0)⊕︎mix(b,0)⊕︎mix(c,0) is suboptimal too.

This odd mix(a,b)/mix(a,0) duality arises because the block size of the UMAC-style approach is, at its minimum, two 64-bit words, while hashes take 64 bits. This distinction gets much worse for larger block sizes.

SpecializationAfter this article was published, several people advised me to look into specialization. I’d like to comment a bit on why this does not solve the problem either.

Specialization does not support efficient hashing of nested objects. Although (u8, u8, u8, u8) can be specialized to be hashed with write_u32, this gets complicated with types like:

struct S {
    a: (u8, u16),
    b: u8,

The best way to serialize this type is to fit b into the padding byte of a. We can’t do that during layouting, but we can when hashing. This is very hard to do automatically just with specialization, and next to impossible if people implement Hash manually.

Rule of thumbThe bottom line is: hashing a product type can only be efficient if it’s linearized. Hashing a structure composed of structures needs to consider the nested fields. Each such field needs to be associated with a static index, so that it can be associated with a constant from a pool, an offset in the block, or what have you.

Fields that are stored in the structure after variable-length fields like &[T]/Vec<T> needs to have static indices regardless.

This applies to arrays: hashing [T; 2] by performing two calls into T::hash is suboptimal, because that leads to reuse of constants, which in turn requires more thorough mixing for acceptable hash quality.

It also applies to slices: hashing [T] needs to split the slice into fixed-size chunks, where each chunk is hashed as a single block. Extending the API to emit start/end annotations for [T] slices does not help either, because the indices of fields inside each T need to be predictable, too. If Hash for T emits 3 words and the block size is 8 words, this will vectorize badly due to the misalignment.

As much as these rules apply to product types, they apply to sum types. Hashing a Result<T, E> needs to either produce h1(ok) or h2(err), where hi are different elements of a hash family. This can be simulated by prepending the discriminant, but this is suboptimal. Perhaps more clearly, Option<T> should either hash its element or return a random (but static) constant for None.

These rules apply to objects that contain non-primitives too. Hashing

struct Key {
    top: u64,
    middle: u64,
    low: u64,
    meta: Option<String>,

shouldn’t be slower than hashing [u64; 3] in the cases where meta is None, and should be barely slower than that if it’s Some, as long as the string is short. This isn’t magic – Rust just can’t represent the solution in the type system.