

Bringing faster exceptions to Rust

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Three months ago, I wrote about why you might want to use panics for error handling. Even though it’s a catchy title, panics are hardly suited for this goal, even if you try to hack around with macros and libraries. The real star is the unwinding mechanism, which powers panics. This post is the first in a series exploring what unwinding is, how to speed it up, and how it can benefit Rust and C++ programmers.

TL;DRCheck out the Lithium crate for faster exceptions and unwinding in Rust.

Alternate returnsTypically, a function returns to the statement immediately following the call:

fn f() {
    let x = g();
    dbg!(x); // x = 123

fn g() -> i32 {
    return 123;

Now imagine that calls could specify alternate return points, letting the callee decide the statement to return to:

// Dreamed-up syntax
fn f() {
    g() alternate |x| {
        dbg!(x); // x = 123

fn g() -> () alternate i32 {
    return_alternate 123;

At first glance, this looks straightforward. Returning to an alternate address shouldn’t be significantly more expensive than returning to the default address, so this has to be cheap.

But wait. This alternate return mechanism reminds me of something…

// Dreamed-up syntax
fn f() {
    g() catch |x| {
        dbg!(x); // x = 123

fn g() -> () throws i32 {
    throw 123;

That’s just exceptions! And we all know exceptions are slow. How did we get from alternate return addresses to something you should avoid at all costs in performant code?

Dramatis personaeThe core of the alternate return mechanism is the unwinder, a system library responsible for mapping default return addresses to alternate return addresses, passing alternate return values across calls, and consuming the return values. The specific API differs between operating systems, but on Linux, the main parts are these two functions:

So, what implementation detail makes panics and exceptions so slow? We’ll uncover this in the series, and today, we’ll try to speed up the Rust side of panic handling without modifying the unwinder.

Digging deeper

BenchmarkLet’s start by measuring Rust’s current panic performance with criterion:

// Prevent spamming stderr with panic messages
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));

b.iter(|| {
    let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| panic!("Hello, world!"));

Result: 2.3814 µs. That’s less than a million panics per second. Why is it this slow?

MacroLet’s see what happens when you call panic!(). After passing arguments through some macro calls, we land on core::panic::panic_fmt:

pub const fn panic_fmt(fmt: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> ! {
    // snip

    extern "Rust" {
        #[lang = "panic_impl"]
        fn panic_impl(pi: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> !;

    let pi = PanicInfo::new(
        /* can_unwind */ true,
        /* force_no_backtrace */ false,

    unsafe { panic_impl(&pi) }

The format arguments are type-erased, which prevents some optimizations.

In addition, many Rust builtins panic, so panic! is defined in core, but the panic mechanism is OS-dependent, so panicking is implemented in std. Therefore, panic_impl is an extern function crossing crate boundaries, which prevents inlining without LTO.

pub fn begin_panic_handler(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
    struct FormatStringPayload<'a> { /* snip */ }

    // snip

    unsafe impl PanicPayload for FormatStringPayload<'_> {
        fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
            // We do two allocations here, unfortunately. But (a) they're required with the current
            // scheme, and (b) we don't handle panic + OOM properly anyway (see comment in
            // begin_panic below).
            let contents = mem::take(self.fill());

        // snip

    // snip

    crate::sys::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace(move || {
        if let Some(s) = msg.as_str() {
            // snip
        } else {
                &mut FormatStringPayload { inner: &msg, string: None },

fn rust_panic_with_hook(
    payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload,
    location: &Location<'_>,
    can_unwind: bool,
    force_no_backtrace: bool,
) -> ! {
    // snip
    match * {
        // snip
        Hook::Custom(ref hook) => {
            hook(&PanicHookInfo::new(location, payload.get(), can_unwind, force_no_backtrace));
    // snip

Here, we generate a type-erased panic payload object that wraps the format arguments in another type-erased box, and then we invoke the panic hook – before unwinding even starts!

Luckily, we can skip most of this logic by calling std::panic::resume_unwind instead of panic!. This function ignores the panic hook and takes a Box<dyn Any + Send> argument instead of an arbitrary format string, which lets us shed some load:

b.iter(|| {
    let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| std::panic::resume_unwind(Box::new("Hello, world!")));

Result: 1.8379 µs, a 24% improvement. Not bad for simply removing indirection!

Direct callsresume_unwind forwards calls to rust_panic_without_hook:

pub fn rust_panic_without_hook(payload: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> ! {

    struct RewrapBox(Box<dyn Any + Send>);

    unsafe impl PanicPayload for RewrapBox {
        fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
            Box::into_raw(mem::replace(&mut self.0, Box::new(())))
        // snip
    // snip
    rust_panic(&mut RewrapBox(payload))

fn rust_panic(msg: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> ! {
    let code = unsafe { __rust_start_panic(msg) };
    rtabort!("failed to initiate panic, error {code}")

extern "Rust" {
    /// `PanicPayload` lazily performs allocation only when needed (this avoids
    /// allocations when using the "abort" panic runtime).
    fn __rust_start_panic(payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> u32;

There’s still type-erasure here: firstly, the payload is Box<dyn Any + Send>, and secondly, we cast &mut RewrapBox to &mut dyn PanicPayload. None of this is necessary for statically typed alternate returns. The double-panic protection (panic_count) wouldn’t be required in this context either.

So what do you say we call __rust_start_panic directly?


use core::any::Any;
use core::panic::PanicPayload;

struct RewrapBox(Box<dyn Any + Send>);

unsafe impl PanicPayload for RewrapBox {
    fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send + 'static) {
        Box::into_raw(core::mem::replace(&mut self.0, Box::new(())))

    fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send + 'static) {

impl core::fmt::Display for RewrapBox {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        f.write_str("Box<dyn Any>")

unsafe extern "Rust" {
    safe fn __rust_start_panic(payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> u32;

b.iter(|| {
    let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
        __rust_start_panic(&mut RewrapBox(Box::new("Hello, world!")))

Result: 580.44 ns. That’s a 68% improvement! It’s not sound, as we’re now messing with the panic counter, but we’ll fix this soon.

CatchingLet’s figure out how to bypass the mirroring decrement of the panic count. We’re looking for std::panic::catch_unwind, which merely forwards the call here. After adding #[inline(always)], removing #[cold], and removing the panic count decrement, we restore soundness without affecting performance.

panic_unwindThe next layer of abstraction to peel is these two functions:

extern "Rust" fn __rust_start_panic(payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> u32;
extern "C" fn __rust_panic_cleanup(payload: *mut u8) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send + 'static);

Depending on the -C panic="unwind/abort" rustc flag, different crates providing these functions are linked. The crate we are interested in is panic_unwind. Its sources are available on GitHub.

Here we finally enter platform-specific code. I’m using Linux, so we’re interested in the Itanium exception handling ABI (called GCC in Rust code). The implementation is quite simple:

pub unsafe fn panic(data: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> u32 {
    let exception = Box::new(Exception {
        _uwe: uw::_Unwind_Exception {
            exception_class: rust_exception_class(),
            exception_cleanup: Some(exception_cleanup),
            private: [core::ptr::null(); uw::unwinder_private_data_size],
        canary: &CANARY,
        cause: data,
    let exception_param = Box::into_raw(exception) as *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception;
    return uw::_Unwind_RaiseException(exception_param) as u32;

    // snip

pub unsafe fn cleanup(ptr: *mut u8) -> Box<dyn Any + Send> {
    let exception = ptr as *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception;
    if (*exception).exception_class != rust_exception_class() {
        // snip

    let exception = exception.cast::<Exception>();
    // snip
    let exception = Box::from_raw(exception as *mut Exception);

To throw a panic, we allocate yet another object on the heap and pass it to _Unwind_RaiseException. Catching a panic involves casting it back to a Box and retrieving the cause field.

To simplify this code for our statically annotated code, we can embed the cause directly in the exception object without wrapping it in Box beforehand. To separate our exceptions from Rust panics, we’ll use a custom exception class:

struct UwException {
    class: u64,
    destructor: Option<extern "C" fn(u32, *mut Self)>,
    private: [*const (); 2],

struct Exception<E> {
    uw: UwException,
    cause: E,

const CLASS: u64 = u64::from_ne_bytes(*b"RUSTpurp");

fn throw<E>(cause: E) {
    let exception = Box::new(Exception {
        uw: UwException {
            class: CLASS,
            destructor: Some(destructor),
            private: [core::ptr::null(); 2],
    unsafe {

extern "C" fn destructor(_code: u32, _exception: *mut UwException) {

unsafe fn cleanup<E>(exception: *mut UwException) -> E {
    if (*exception).class != CLASS {

extern "C-unwind" {
    fn _Unwind_RaiseException(exception: *mut UwException) -> u32;

b.iter(|| {
    let _ = catch::<_, &'static str, _>(|| throw::<&'static str>("Hello, world!"));

Result: 562.69 ns, or a 3% improvement. This isn’t much, but every bit matters here.

AllocationsWe only have one heap allocation remaining now, containing the exception cause next to the _Unwind_Exception header for the system unwinder.

Why can’t we put it on the stack? When throw performs an alternate return, its call frame can be overwritten by the catch handlers. We could store it inside the catch call frame, but then we’d need to pass a pointer to it to throw, complicating the API.

Thread-locals are the perfect middle ground, as they are almost as cheap as stack allocation:

thread_local! {
    static LOCAL: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<[u8; 4096]>> = const {

unsafe fn local_write<T>(x: T) -> *mut T {
    let p = LOCAL.with(|local| local.get().cast::<T>());
    unsafe {

While this is just a proof-of-concept (it doesn’t work with nested or greater than 4 KiB exceptions), it indicates the resulting performance: 556.32 ns, or a 1.5% improvement.


GainsStarting at 2.3814 µs, we’ve optimized down to 556.32 ns – a 4.3× speedup without loss in functionality. We secured this win without modifying the Rust compiler or the system unwinder by applying the following optimizations:

Beyond EHWhile unwinding is popular for exception propagation, that’s not the only use case. For example, if success is more rare than an error, success could be the alternate path rather than the error. Another use of lightweight unwinding is coroutines. Thinking outside the box might help you find other applications in your projects.

LithiumTo make these optimizations accessible, I have released the Lithium crate, which supports efficient unwinding in Rust. It’s light as Li and includes features beyond the ones supported by this prototype:

Check out the GitHub repository and feel free to open issues!

LimitationsThere are some caveats:

Stay tunedIn the following posts, we’ll explore Itanium and SEH designs, dive into unwinder implementations, and and figure out how to speed up exceptions significantly based on this knowledge. Subscribe to RSS if you are interested.