
Hi! 👋 I'm Alisa Sireneva (she/her), a 19yo dev from Moscow.

Facts about me

I'm a former gifted kid who developed lots of projects in no time, but these days I'm suffering from ADHD. I used to suffer from depression, but I'm okay now. That was an interesting experience for sure.

I love inventing new stuff, which often turns out to be well-known, which in turn devastates me for days. Oopsie.

I love listening to BMTH, Badflower, and LukHash.

My favorite book is Worm (no, seriously, give it a read). My favorite modern-day author is qntm. Actually, I have a TODO list for literature pieces (I have yet to read faster than it grows).

My favorite color is #8f1fff.

Celeste helped me at a low point in my life, and I promptly forgot about it afterwards. I still haven't completed The Summit.

I don't like custom set ups, mostly because I don't have any time for that. I'm still using the same Ubuntu I set up years ago as an experiment to see if I can get myself to switch to Linux. Linux turned out to be garbage, but every other mainstream OS is even worse, so perhaps I'm stuck with it.

I'm still looking for a programming language with memory management capabilities of Rust, low-level control of C, performance of assembly, control flow guarantees of Agda, and typing system of F*. A utopia, basically.

I sometimes write about cool stuff in my Telegram channel (in Russian).

Apart from programming, I'm interested in algebra, topology, physics, and my girlfriend.

I'm nostalgic over the good old days I've never seen and love retrocomputing.


In order of decreasing preference:

If I don't answer, that's probably my ADHD acting. That doesn't mean I'm not interested, just ping me later. Sorry, I have no more control over my focus than you.

My writing

I've got a blog:

I also sometimes write educational material:

My stack

I'm familiar with:

This isn't much, but it's honest work I'm open to learning more — I just never had the need to. It's not like anyone really knows stuff any better even if they say they do.

My main area of interest is systems programming, cryptography, HPC, and system administration.


My current main project is sunwalker, a new-gen testing system for programming contests:

My former activity in the competitive programming sphere has influenced my goals and understanding of good software, which is why I love pushing the limits:

This dedication has brought me to demoscene and retrocomputing. I developed stuff for Electronica BK once:

I also host a programming-related site:

Cursed stuff

I've made quite a few things just for fun:


I sometimes take part in CTF competitions. I'm also one of the developers of UgraCTF and developed some closed-source software for it:


I hosted various competitive programming competitions in Moscow and got my hands dirty with mass deployment of a combined Windows + Linux image in... unpleasant conditions.

Online services

I develop habra.chat, a traditional New Year chat for Habr. It has grown from a single SSH chat to a mirrored experience synchronized among many networks.


I used to be active on the decentralized network ZeroNet as gitcenter for a large portion of my life and, among other things, developed a few services for the network, the most popular ones being:

I was one of the lead developers of the network and developed a few plugins for it, bringing real-time communication to ZeroNet:

I also wrote a few libraries some people found useful:

And documentation, of course—I love writing:

Other projects

I developed a few more tools for Electronica BK:

I developed clones of a few existing projects due to licensing issues for ZeroNet:

There's lots of uncategorized scripts: